
noviembre 24, 2008

Lunes, 24 de Noviembre

The Aztec calendar is the calendar system that was used by the Aztecs as well as other Pre-Columbian peoples of central Mexico. It is one of the Mesoamerican calendars, sharing the basic structure of calendars from throughout ancient Mesoamerica.
The calendar consisted of a 365 day calendar cycle called xiuhpohualli (year count) and a 260 day ritual cycle called tonalpohualli (day count). These two cycles together formed a 52 year "century," sometimes called the "Calendar Round." The xiuhpohualli is considered to be the agricultural calendar, since it is based on the sun, and the tonalpohualli is considered to be the sacred calendar.

1. Repaso general de los verbos reflexivos
2. Reflexive Verbs:
- Grammar box (p.80)
- Gramactiva Video
- Act. #8: Nos preparamos para la fiesta (p.80)
- Una Rutina Lógica (p. 81)
TAREA: Prueba de Vocab production

1. Repaso de Verbos Reflexivos
2. Prueba de Vocabulario (Producción)
TAREA: Act. #10, (textbook p.81)

Lectura: "Las Mujeres de Juchitán" (p.70-71)
1. Actividades de Vocabulario (#1 y #2, p.69)
2. Audio de lectura - Cognados (Laboratorio de Lenguas)
TAREA: Lectura "Las Mujeres de Juchitán" (p.71) y Actividad de Comprensión e Interpretación (p.72)

1. Análisis de lectura: "El problema de llamarse Hispano"
2. Discusión sobre términos de Identidad cultural
3. Cortometraje: "El hombre que volaba un Poquito"
TAREA: Leer artículo "Llega la Ecomoda" (Revista Authentik, p.10)