
septiembre 18, 2009

Viernes, 18 de Septiembre



  1. Peer Homework Review: Students check their partner homework (Workbook p. 6)
  2. Short Film: “Viaje a Marte” (DVD inside of DVD player) - Please, play the short film #1 and make sure you add English subtitles to it (16 min).
  3. Reflecting on the film: In writing, students reflect on the similitudes and differences between an animated movie made in Argentina and in the US. In their analysis, they can talk about the style, animation, plot, character, etc. This short writing should be turned in at the end of the class.
TAREA: Handout “Friendship among Latin Americans” - read article and complete the 5 activities.(It is all in English, including the writing that is suggested by question #5.)


  1. Peer Editing: With a red pen (or any other color), students check their partner’s writing work (assigned as a Homework yesterday.)
  2. Short Film: “Viaje a Marte” (DVD inside of DVD player) - Please, play the short film #1 and make sure you add English subtitles to it (16 min).
  3. Reflecting on the film: In writing, students reflect on the similitudes and differences between an animated movie made in Argentina and in the US. In their analysis, they can talk about the style, animation, plot, characters, etc. This short writing should be turned in at the end of the class.
¡¡¡Diviértete en Sheridan!!!

  1. Review: “Reflexive Constructions” (Blue Textbook, p.22-23)
  2. Students complete Act. #11 (p.24) Part A and B (B should be individual and in writing)
  3. Students complete yellow worksheets: (Act. #11-15)
TAREA: “Capital Cultural” - students pick a card from the bulletin board to choose their topics.