
noviembre 24, 2008

Lunes, 24 de Noviembre

The Aztec calendar is the calendar system that was used by the Aztecs as well as other Pre-Columbian peoples of central Mexico. It is one of the Mesoamerican calendars, sharing the basic structure of calendars from throughout ancient Mesoamerica.
The calendar consisted of a 365 day calendar cycle called xiuhpohualli (year count) and a 260 day ritual cycle called tonalpohualli (day count). These two cycles together formed a 52 year "century," sometimes called the "Calendar Round." The xiuhpohualli is considered to be the agricultural calendar, since it is based on the sun, and the tonalpohualli is considered to be the sacred calendar.

1. Repaso general de los verbos reflexivos
2. Reflexive Verbs:
- Grammar box (p.80)
- Gramactiva Video
- Act. #8: Nos preparamos para la fiesta (p.80)
- Una Rutina Lógica (p. 81)
TAREA: Prueba de Vocab production

1. Repaso de Verbos Reflexivos
2. Prueba de Vocabulario (Producción)
TAREA: Act. #10, (textbook p.81)

Lectura: "Las Mujeres de Juchitán" (p.70-71)
1. Actividades de Vocabulario (#1 y #2, p.69)
2. Audio de lectura - Cognados (Laboratorio de Lenguas)
TAREA: Lectura "Las Mujeres de Juchitán" (p.71) y Actividad de Comprensión e Interpretación (p.72)

1. Análisis de lectura: "El problema de llamarse Hispano"
2. Discusión sobre términos de Identidad cultural
3. Cortometraje: "El hombre que volaba un Poquito"
TAREA: Leer artículo "Llega la Ecomoda" (Revista Authentik, p.10)

noviembre 21, 2008

Viernes, 21 de Noviembre

Juan Esteban Aristizábal Vásquez best known as Juanes (1972) is a Colombian rock musician. During the 1980s and 1990s, Juanes was a member of heavy metal band Ekhymosis but disbanded the group in 1998 to pursue a solo career. His 2000 solo debut album, Fíjate Bien, had moderate commercial success and went on to win three Latin Grammy Awards. He has won 17 awards of Latin Grammy, surpassing Alejandro Sanz's 12.
His second album, Un Día Normal was certified platinum throughout much of the Spanish-speaking world, and its lead single "A Dios le Pido" topped singles charts in twelve countries. Mi Sangre, his third album, fared equally well with Juanes promoting it on a tour with over 200 performances. The album's third single, "La Camisa Negra", generated controversy after being used as a symbol for Italian neo-fascism. Juanes is one of the best-selling Colombian musicians, having sold more than ten million albums and won seventeen Latin Grammys. Juanes is also known for his humanitarian work, especially with aid for Colombian victims of anti-personnel mines.

1. ¡Manos a la Obra! Práctica con el Vocabulario
- Act. #4: ¿Cómo se prepara Margarita?
- Act. #5: ¿Qué ropa llevas?
TAREA: Por la Mañana... Por la noche... (Act. #6 p.78)

1. Revisar la tarea
2. Verbos reflexivos (p.79)
- Gramactiva Box
- Gramactiva Video
3. Act. #8: Pronombres reflexivos
TAREA: Prueba de Vocab production

1. Más investigación sobre Frida Kahlo
2. Asesoría Individual para los ensayos: Bosquejos (outlines)
TAREA: Trabajar en los ensayos (entrega- Miércoles 26 de Noviembre

Simulacro de AP: Escritura presentacional
TAREA: terminar la Hoja de la lectura "El Problema de llamarse Hispano" (Incluír Act. #13)

noviembre 20, 2008

Jueves, 20 de Noviembre

1. Prueba de vocabulario (reconocimiento)
2. Corregir prueba
TAREA; GoOnline p.77

1. ¡Manos a la Obra! - Más práctica de Vocabulario
- ¿Cómo se preparar Margarita?
- Ropa elegante o Ropa cómoda
- Diagrama de Venn: De día o de noche
TAREA: terminar el diagrama de Venn (Act. #6, p78)

1. Documental de Frida, Final
2. Investigación en la biblioteca: Elena Poniatowska
TAREA: Tesis y mapa conceptual del ensayo

1. Práctica para simulacro de AP - Escritura Presentacional
TAREA: Lectura "Del problema de llamarse Hispano", Act. 6-12

noviembre 19, 2008

Miércoles, 19 de Noviembre

Elena Poniatowska (1932) is a Polish-Mexican journalist and author.

Poniatowska was born in Paris to Prince Jean Evremont Poniatowski Sperry and Paula Amor-Escandón. Her father was a Polish nobleman who was a descendant of the brother of King Stanislaus II of Poland, the last king of Poland. The Poniatowski brothers of King Stanislaus were granted Princely titles as relatives to the King. Her mother, Paulette Amor Iturbide, was a Mexican citizen of mixed French ancestry, and also a descendant of the abortive Mexican nobility (which existed for several months in 1822-1823; see Iturbide Family).

Poniatowska fled France with her mother from World War II. The family settled in Mexico City. In 1943,[1] Elena was sent to study to the United States. She returned to Mexico in 1953 and started her career as a journalist working for the Mexican newspaper Excelsior.

She is best known for her 1971 work La noche de Tlatelolco (published in English as Massacre in Mexico), in which she relates her interviews with survivors and families of those who died in the 1968 Tlatelolco massacre in Mexico City. Since then she has published several works of fiction, testimonial literature, as well as book compilations of her interviews with writers, artists, and politicians. In recent years her prominence as a public intellectual and political figure in Mexico has increased.

1. Revisar la tarea
2. Videohistoria: "Más Maquillaje"
- Leer la Videohistoria
- Preguntas de comprensión
- Video
3. WB p.31-32
TAREA: Prueba de Vocab Recognition

1. Revisar WB p.31-32
2. Prueba de Vocabulario (recognition)
3. Corregir la prueba

Documental de Frida Kahlo, Parte II
TAREA: Supersite, Galería de Creadores: Elena Poniatowska (Minitest-Preguntas)

1. Revisar ejerciciós de Párrafos con palabras Raíz
2. Discutir proceso de definición de tesis/idea central en el examen de AP

noviembre 18, 2008

Martes, 18 de Noviembre

Frida Kahlo (1907 – 1954) was a Mexican painter, who has achieved great international popularity. She painted using vibrant colors in a style that was influenced by indigenous cultures of Mexico as well as by European influences that include Realism, Symbolism, and Surrealism. Many of her works are self-portraits that symbolically express her own pain and sexuality.
In 1929 Kahlo married the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera. Her "Blue" house in Coyoacán, Mexico City is a museum, donated by Diego Rivera upon his death in 1957.

1. A primera Vista! Vocabulario en contexto
- Leer y repetir vocabulario (p.72-73)
- WB p.31
TAREA: GoOnline (p.73)

1. Repaso de Reflexivos
2. Videohistoria: "Más Maquillaje"
- Argumento
- Comprensión de lectura
- Video
3. WB p.31-32
TAREA: Prueba de Vocabulario (recognition)

1. Explicación del proyecto del Ensayo: "Comparación entre la Visión Artística de Elena Poniatowska y Frida Kahlo"
2. Documental: "La Vida y Obra de Frida Kahlo"
TAREA: Supersite: Frida Kahlo- Minitest y Preguntas

1. Revisar la tarea
2. Práctica con Párrafos sin Palabras Raíz
3. Actividad para escritura Presentacional de AP (estableciendo un mapa conceptual)
TAREA: Párrafos 3 y 4 (Hojas Rosa), con palabras raíz

noviembre 11, 2008

Martes, 11 de Noviembre

After Caracas, the second city in South America to declare its independence from Spain was Cartagena de Indias, on November 11th of 1811, starting with a series of events of great importance and by which would pay the audacity of standing up to the Spanish empire. During ten years there would be victories and defeats. It was a time of vital importance where the liberty and emancipation destiny of american provinces would be forged.

Cartagena de Indias (Sra. Rubio's hometown) is a large city seaport on the northern coast of Colombia. Capital of the Bolívar Department, it has a population of 1,240,000 in its Metropolitan Area, and 1,090,000 in the city (2005 Census), being the fifth largest urban area in Colombia. Founded in 1533 by Spaniard Don Pedro de Heredia, and named after the port of Cartagena in Spain's Murcia region, it was a major center of early Spanish settlement in the Americas which had impressive development in the XVIII century as the de facto capital of the Viceroyalty of New Granada and as the main hub of commerce and transportation in the late viceroyal era, situation that is reflected in its alternative capitality today. Nowadays continues to be the economic hub of the Caribbean region as well as a popular tourist destination.
Cartagena's colonial walled city and fortress were designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980 along with Lima.

1. Repaso del Capítulo
TAREA: Examen Unidad 1B: "¿Qué haces depués de las clases?"

1. Repaso del Capítulo
TAREA: Examen Unidad 1B: "¿Qué haces depués de las clases?"

1. Revisar la tarea (WB p.16-17)
2. Pretérito Vs. Imperfecto
- Análisis de lecturas y el uso de los dos tiempos
TAREA: Imagina, Act. #1 y #2 (p.66)

1. Fernando Botero: El Espejo Convexo (Parte II)
- Comprensión y Análisis
- Familias de Palabras
TAREA: Significados en Español: Circonlocución (Hojas de Actividades, Botero: Act. D, p.333)

noviembre 10, 2008

Lunes, 10 de Noviembre

"Fernando Botero, Colombian painter. In 1948, he started work as an illustrator. In 1950, he went to Europe, where he attended the Academy of San Fernando in Madrid, copied Velázquez and Goya in the Prado and admired the frescoes in Florence. He went on a long visit to Mexico in 1956-57 and the experience of Muralism significantly influenced his future direction. In his own work, he introduced inflated forms, puffing up to an exaggerated size human figures, natural features, and objects of all kinds, celebrating the life within them while mocking their role in the world. He combined the regional with the universal, constantly referring to his native Colombia and also creating elaborate parodies of works of art from the past - whether Dürer, Bonnard, Velázquez or David. Not without humour, the symbols of power and authority everywhere - presidents, soldiers and churchmen - are targeted in his attacks on a society still infantile in its behaviour."

1. Repasar "Saber/Conocer"
- Diagrama
- Hand Outs
TAREA: Terminar página 3 del HO

1. Repasar "Saber/Conocer"
- Diagrama
- Hand Outs
TAREA: GoOnline (PHSchool.com) p. 55,57,59 --- Print it out!!

1. Repasar las reglas el imperfecto
2. Revisar tarea (Act. #1 y #2, p.62)
3. Comparación de ciudad: Antes y depués (Act. #4, p.63)
4. Actividad de audio: WB p.109
TAREA: WB p.16-17

1. Capital Cultural: "Los conflictos de la United Fruit Company en Latinoamérica"
2. Fernando Botero: El Espejo Convexo
- Describiendo el estilo de Botero
- Lectura
TAREA: Comprensión e Interpretar (Act. A y B)

noviembre 07, 2008

Viernes, 7 de Noviembre

Café Tacuba (often stylized as CAFÉ TACVBA) is a Grammy Award and Latin Grammy Award-winning musical group from Naucalpan, Mexico. They were founded in 1989, and since then have had the same musical lineup. Check their music: www.myspace.com/cafetacvba

1. Revisar ¡A Bailar! (p.63)
- Comprensión
2. Video de Flamenco
3. WAV (p.24)
TAREA: GoOnline (p.55,57,59) - Print them out!!!

1. Revisar párrafos sobre "Mis Actividades Extra-curriculares"
2. Edita el párrafo de tu compañero
3. Dibu (parte II)
TAREA: Final Draft- "Mis Actividades Extracurriculares" (Typed!)

1. Laboratorio de lenguas: "Café Tacuba"
- Canción
- Investigación sobre la banda
TAREA: Repasar el Imperfecto (p.61-62) y hacer Act. #1 y #2 (p.63)

1. Prueba de Escritura Interpersonal (Tema: Salud)
2. Práctica de Párrafos con palabras raíz y sin palabras raíz
TAREA: Capital Cutural "United Fruit Company: Conflictos en Latinoamérica"

noviembre 05, 2008

Jueves, 5 de Noviembre

Celia Cruz (1925 – 2003) was a Cuban salsa singer, and was one of the most successful Cuban performers of the 20th century, with twenty-three gold albums to her name. She was renowned internationally as the "Queen of Salsa," as well as "La guarachera de Cuba".[1] She spent most of her career living in New Jersey, and working in the United States and several Latin American countries.

- Revisar "Celia Cruz"
- Actividad en parejas; crear una página Web
TAREA: Act. #23, p.61

- Revisar: "Un Anuncio" (p.61)
- Nouns and verbs: The ending "-ción"
- ¡Adelante! "A Bailar": lectura y comprensión

- Discusión de las elecciones
- "Aqueronte" - Atmósfera
TAREA: Auqeronte, Género y Resumen en una frase

- Leer artículos sobre la noticia de las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses y comparar la percepción de este evento a nivel doméstico y a nivel internacional.

noviembre 04, 2008

Martes, 4 de Noviembre

Día de las elecciones presidenciales en los Estados Unidos... 
¿Quién será el nuevo presidente?

1. Repaso: "Hace + Time Expressions"
2. Describe a una persona famosa...
3. Prueba de "Hace+Time Expressions"
TAREA: Celia Cruz, Act. #21 (p.59)

1.Repaso oral de "Hace+TimeExpressions"
2. Act. #21 (p.59)
3. En parejas; Crear una página Web
TAREA: "Un anuncio" - leer y contestar las preguntas (p.61)

TAREA: Prepararse para "Aqueronte"

1. Audio Extendido (Triángulo, p.31)
2. Ensayo Corto #1: Correo electrónico para el director de tu escuela expresando tu opinión sobre los servicios médicos del establecimiento (Triángulo, p.40)
TAREA: Prueba de Vocabulario sobre la salud (Triángulo, p.27-28)

noviembre 01, 2008


The Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) is a holiday celebrated mainly in Mexico and by people of Mexican heritage (and others) living in the United States and Canada. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and relatives who have died. The celebration occurs on the 1st and 2nd of November, in connection with the Catholic holy days of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day which take place on those days. Traditions include building private altars honoring the deceased, using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts.

Scholars trace the origins of the modern holiday to indigenous observances dating back thousands of years, and to an Aztec festival dedicated to a goddess called Mictecacihuatl (known in English as "The Lady of the Dead").

Similar holidays are celebrated in many parts of the world; for example, it is a public holiday in Brazil, where many Brazilians celebrate by visiting cemeteries and churches. In Spain, there are festivals and parades, and at the end of the day, people gather at cemeteries and pray to their loved ones who have died. Similar observances occur elsewhere in Europe and in the Philippines, and similarly-themed celebrations appear in many Asian and African cultures.